The Ultimate Guide to Safe and Comfortable Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a fantastic alternative to eyeglasses, offering a seamless solution to vision correction. Contact lenses have evolved significantly over the years, offering more comfort and flexibility than ever before. Whether you're a seasoned contact lens wearer or considering them for the first time, this guide will provide valuable insight into their safe and comfortable use.


The Importance of Proper Care for Contact Lenses


Proper care for contact lenses is crucial to maintaining ocular health and ensuring the longevity of the lenses. This involves cleaning, rinsing, and disinfecting your lenses daily, using only the solutions recommended by your eye care professional. Never use tap water, saliva, or outdated solutions to clean your lenses, as these can harbor harmful bacteria.


When handling your contact lenses, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and dry them with a lint-free towel to prevent the transfer of dirt and germs. Also, always put in your contact lenses before applying makeup, and remove them before taking your makeup off.


It's also important to replace your contact lenses as recommended by your optometrist. Over-wearing your lenses can lead to discomfort and eye infections. Similarly, replace your lens case every three months to reduce the risk of contamination.


Common Problems and Solutions with Contact Lenses


Even with the best care, you may still encounter problems with your contact lenses. Common issues include dry eyes, discomfort or irritation, blurred vision, and redness. Most of these problems can be resolved with simple solutions.


Dry eyes are a common complaint among contact lens wearers. This can be alleviated by using lubricating eye drops approved for use with contact lenses, increasing your water intake, or using lenses designed for dry eyes.


Discomfort or irritation can be caused by a poorly fitting lens, a torn lens, or something on the lens. If your lens is uncomfortable, remove it, clean it, and reinsert it. If the discomfort persists, you may need to consult your optometrist.


Blurred vision can be caused by dirty lenses, wearing the wrong prescription, or a lens that has been put in inside out. Cleaning your lenses, ensuring you have the correct prescription, and checking the orientation of your lenses can resolve this issue.


Redness can be a sign of an eye infection or inflammation caused by poor lens hygiene or over-wearing your lenses. If your eyes are red and painful, remove your lenses and consult your optometrist immediately.


When to See Your Optometrist


Knowing when to see your optometrist is crucial to maintaining your ocular health while wearing contact lenses. If you experience persistent eye discomfort, redness, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light, schedule an appointment with your optometrist immediately.


Other signs that you need to see your optometrist include an increase in floaters or flashes of light in your vision, a sudden loss of vision, or a feeling of something stuck in your eye. These could be signs of serious conditions that require immediate medical attention.


Regular check-ups are also important, even if you don't have any symptoms. These routine exams allow your optometrist to monitor your ocular health and ensure your contact lenses are still fitting properly.


Ensuring Safe and Comfortable Use of Contact Lenses


Wearing contact lenses can provide a convenient and comfortable alternative to eyeglasses, but it's important to remember that they are medical devices that require proper care. By understanding the importance of ocular health, practicing good lens hygiene, recognizing signs of potential problems, and scheduling regular eye exams, you can enjoy the benefits of contact lenses while protecting your eyes.


To learn more on contact lens care for safe and comfortable vision, visit Baseline Vision Clinic in our Hillsboro, Oregon office. We provide quality eye care services and products for the entire family. Call (503) 648-8328 to schedule an appointment today.